
Perhaps you aren't an executive, but you've already started your leadership journey. You shouldn’t be on your own for professional development. Don’t wait for your organization to invest in your future. Duha offers affordable development programs that will accelerate your personal leadership and career growth.





Rainbow art from the Israel Museum

One Minute – One Lesson – One Task

Accelerate your leadership development through our signature weekly newsletter


Speaking Engagements

Leadership +1% is the perfect companion talk to our signature DuhaOne curriculum.

Duha Principal Andy Ellis may be the perfect addition to your next organizational meeting or conference with his signature humor and relatability. He will share his expert insights on leadership, internet safety, risk management, decision making, and security governance.  He can be booked directly through Leading Authorities in standalone engagements, or contact Duha to pair his talks with additional Duha services.

Everyone is a Leader

Leadership isn’t doing one thing well.  It’s doing a thousand things 1% better.  Whether you're a CEO, just starting in your career, or organizing a community, this talk will highlight ways that you can develop and improve as a leader.  

Designed to accompany Andy's practical guide (1% Leadership, by Hachette Go), this talk will help anyone – and everyone – improve.