
Assemble the right plan to avoid the stumbling blocks of going it on your own. Our programs and consulting can quickly bring executives or organizations up to speed on any number of topics, as a standalone engagement or in conjunction with other Duha offerings.
Executive Design
Executive design sessions focus on actionable approaches, leveraging the executive’s leadership to drive organizational change and improvement.
Executive Coaching
Personalized, one-on-one support in establishing or improving the parts of your leadership program that have immediate need.
Risk Management
Boards, CEOs and CISOs all examine risk through different lenses. Communication across levels can be fraught with peril. Learn what tools will best meet the needs of your role, while enabling organizational success.

Assemble the right plan to avoid the stumbling blocks of going it on your own. Our programs and consulting can quickly bring executives or organizations up to speed on any number of topics, as a standalone engagement or in conjunction with other Duha offerings.
Executive Design
Executive design sessions focus on actionable approaches, leveraging the executive’s leadership to drive organizational change and improvement.
Executive Coaching
Personalized, one-on-one support in establishing or improving the parts of your leadership program that have immediate need.
Risk Management
Boards, CEOs and CISOs all examine risk through different lenses. Communication across levels can be fraught with peril. Learn what tools will best meet the needs of your role, while enabling organizational success.
Duha Principal Andy Ellis is represented by Leading Authorities, and may be the perfect addition to your next organizational meeting or conference with his signature humor and relatability. He will share his expert insights on leadership, internet safety, risk management, decision making, and security governance. He can be booked directly through Leading Authorities in standalone engagements, or contact Duha to pair his talks with additional Duha services.

Leadership Training

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